Calendar of Events


Kulesha Premiere

WOW, there's a lot of cool stuff happening this week! Check out the calendar!!


November 28: Thomas Annand, 8pm, Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica

Ottawa organist Thomas Annand will present a recital marking the 100th anniversary of the birth of Olivier Messiaen.

Presented as part of the Pro Organo series, Annand's recital will include Messiaen's Messe de la PentecĂ´te and pieces connected to Messiaen or to the church where he performed in Paris.

Other composers will include Alexandre Guilmant, Marcel Dupré and Naji Hakim. The recital will also include the premiere of Canadian composer Gary Kulesha's Sonatine. Kulesha studied the organ and has said that his style has been influenced by Messiaen's language and techniques.

Tickets: $20 general, $15 seniors, $10 students. Information: 613-728-8041.

Link to Naji Hakim website.

Link to Gary Kulesha website.

Link to Thomas Annand bio.

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