Calendar of Events


Hatzis's Constantinople Canceled!

Yeah. What a bummer. No word on why it was canceled. I had put it on the calendar, but I hadn't posted about it yet. Click here to read about Constantinople.

I'm going to be out of the country then anyhow... so I guess now I don't have to be sad about missing it. Still, it's too bad.

The Gryphon Trio, who were going to be producing and performing the multimedia work, will instead be performing an all-Beethoven fundraiser for the Ottawa Chamber Music Festival. The members of the Gryphon Trio are the artistic directors for the Chamber Festival, which just lost a lot of government funding. My guess is, they think they can sell more tickets to a concert of non-challenging "old chestnuts" (relatively speaking). They might be right. Maybe they'll take this fundraiser money and use it to mount Constantinople during the festival itself, perhaps to a larger audience. That's my baseless hope, anyway.

I'll drop them a line and see what I can find out.


ps- don't get me wrong; I love Beethoven. If I was going to be around to see the Gryphons and Nesrallah, I'd go. Being a knee-jerk supporter of creative concert music in Ottawa doesn't preclude the enjoyment of music by more established composers!

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