Calendar of Events



Hey music lovers,

Is everyone looking as forward to tonight's Musica Nova concert as I am? Things are starting to happen in the capital city!

Well, they were. April was a pretty good month for new music if you dug deep enough. May wasn't bad. June and July appear to be drier than a witch's... well, you get the idea. What a bummer!

I have added two items to the calendar. The bad news is, they're both for tomorrow, and the worse news is, they're at the exact same time!

One is the Ottawa Chamber Orchestra Concerto Competition, which will have some Hindemith and Wieniawski. The other show is pianist Dina Namer, playing music of 20th-C. Israeli (is that a redundancy?) composers and Bloch, in honour of the 50th anniversary of his death. I've got a bit of an inside scoop, because Dina lives next door - she sounds amazing!! :)

Here's hoping something comes together for June and July. I'll be out of town during the chamber music festival, but I know there'll be something for us there, so I'll do my best to get events on the calendar.

If things don't pick up, we may have to take matters into our own hands!! Actually, we are! Craig and I, along with flutist/composer Aura Giles, are working on a new music concert series, kicking off in the fall. You can be absolutely sure that we will advertise like crazy on this blog for those shows!!

Enjoy the rain!


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